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RNET 3809
Caminho das Andrades
4575-070 Alpendurada e Matos
Porto - Portugal
(+351) 255 630 193
[chamada para rede fixa nacional]
(+351) 917 514 721
[chamada para rede móvel nacional]
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N: 41 05.195 W: 8 13.626
[Decimal: Lt:41.086591 Lg:-8.227105]
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Car directions
• From Porto Airport
• From Lisbon Airport
[via Google]
Follow the directions. It's simple and it's rewarding.
Santa Cristina Country Houseguest is located in Alpendorada, of Marco de Canaveses county, Porto district, at Km 47,2 of 108 National Road from Porto to Régua. It's 400m far from that point, half hill between Castro de Arados and Douro river, and east of Convento de Alendorada.
If coming from Porto, take A4 highway (direction Vila Real). Exit in Parada (Exit nr 10) and take 106 National Road to Entre-os-Rios. When arrived at Entre-os-Rios, catch National Road 108 towards Alpendorada e Matos. When at Km 47,2, use the access to your left e go up about 400m. For further details, check tab 'From Porto airport'.
If coming from Lisbon, take A1 highway direction Porto. Nearby Nogueira da Regedoura, go through exit nr 19 and take A41 highway (direction East). Drive until Medas, where you should exit into 108 National Road towards Entre-os-Rios. Pass Entre-os-Rios and go until Km 47,2 of EN108, where you should drive to the access at your left. Go up about 400m and you are already at Santa Cristina. For further details, check tab 'From Lisbon airport'.
Please, be advised that both direccions includes payed highways.